So many times, we go through life and a thought comes to our mind.Yet we let it pass and don’t think a thing about it later on. We tend to…
So many times, we go through life and a thought comes to our mind.Yet we let it pass and don’t think a thing about it later on. We tend to…
Why is it that we think that we can approach God in any way that we see fit?Why do we feel that just because He is a God of grace…
Last time we spoke about how when we approach God,we tend to be too casual and even a little assuming of how we approach God’s throne.We tend to brush off…
When we think about and meditate on God (His Holiness), then listen too or watch something that is unclean or glorifies sin, allowing it into our eye or ear gates,…
What is the meaning of stewardship? It is: StewardshipThe job of supervising or taking care of something,such as an organization or property. Definition pulled form: Oxford Dictionaries Matthew 25:14-30 New…
God called us to be good care takers and stewards of our lives and world.He did not just say be good with your finances or to only work had at…
Do we really consider our purpose, or do we simply go through the motions?When we seek the day after day life and give no thought to God what does that…
So many times, we forget what it means to remain.This is especially true when it comes to remaining in God and His secret place. Yet the act of remaining is…
While working in the mission filed we have found may ministers that need so much help. Did you know: According to Barna, about 38 percent of Protestant senior pastors surveyed…
Many parts of the world do not have clean, drinkable water… Let's Give Life Worldwide, 780 million people do not have access to an improved water source. An estimated 2.5…