While working in the mission filed we have found may ministers that need so much help.

Did you know:
According to Barna, about 38 percent of Protestant senior pastors surveyed have considered leaving ministry over the past year. Among pastors under age 45, that number rose to 46 percent.
What do Minsters need:
- The ability to take their wife on a date.
- Mental Health Time
- Quality Family Time (Vacation, outings, etc.)
- Self Enrichment for Ministry
- Many have no retirement or healthcare
- Here at Moose Ministries we find it imperative to minister to the minister. It is an honor and moreover brings ultimate glory to God when we strengthen the hands of His servants. We do this by ministering to their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.
Please consider joining us in making a difference in ministers lives!
Join the Herd!!!!!!!!!!!
Change Starts With You
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Bring Love And Hope To Those Who Minister