The local mission in Peru is led by Pastor Jose and Clara Fraguela, they lead the Association Missions of Faith Ministries (a local nonprofit in Peru) and are the founders of the Missionary School of The Supernatural.

Peruvian Amazon Rain Forest –
Village Outreach
& SOS School
Asociacion Missions Of Faith Ministries in Bretaña Perú
You Can Empower Change
Are You Ready?
In The Peruvian Amazon, most Christians don’t own a bible or have access to regular biblical instruction. To confront this issue, we partnered to create “The School of the Supernatural.” The school is a multi-purpose ministry training center serving believers in the Loredo region of Peru. In addition to educating believers in scriptural and spiritual truths, the school will also function as a hub for the surrounding churches, uniting them in community and cohesive theology. Please join us in changing the Amazon River Basin into a place where the Love of God overflows into the surrounding areas!